manager of finance Job Interview Questions & Answers

Our Experts
Written by Our Experts

Got a big interview where you’ll be applying as a manager of finance? Don’t sweat it! Here you can find some of the most often asked manager of finance interview questions with advice on how to reply. Read on!

Do you have any experience working as a manager of finance?

This one’s pretty simple – discuss your experience as it relates to the job you’re applying for. What happens if you don’t have any experience? By thinking about the question ahead of time, you can have a reply at your fingertips. In doing this, you can actually turn your lack of experience into a showcase for your ability to relate and connect similar skillsets.

Answer Sample:

While my experience with x is limited, while working under y at my last job I really got to learn the ropes about z

What are some of major challenges the accounting industry faces looking ahead? How will it impact the role of manager of finance?

No right or wrong answers here, but certainly an opportunity to demonstrate some foresight. These days, mentioning Artificial Intelligence, software, and related items should do well. Regardless of your answer, be sure to have something to backup your responses.

Answer Sample:

Its hard to know for sure with industry factors such as x and y changing so many things – all I can say is that Im excited for the challenges that come with that

What do you to ensure error free work?

While we all make mistakes, accountants can afford no such luxury. No, the company you are applying to isn’t expecting their employees to be flawless. What they’re looking for here is some sort of system of checks and balances.

Answer Sample:

Rain or shine, I always make sure that x is reviewed 3 times over and referenced against y before it goes out the door

Tell me about a time you used numbers to tell an effective story?

Numbers don’t lie. While it may be the epitomy of ‘nerdery’, story telling through data is a critical skill for those in the financial profession. The key to answering this question is focusing on the outcome of data you furnished – and why it mattered.

Answer Sample:

Our department had been struggling for years, but by clearly illustrating the relationship between x and y, we corrected and showed record improvements in the next quarter

Have you ever had to give someone difficult feedback?

One of the most difficult things to dispense – and receive – is critique of work. Anyone who has spent enough time in this industry realizes that human error is part of the job, and no one is perfect. What you’re going to want to do here is be sure to let the interviewer know what you did in reaction to this feedback. How accountable were the parties involved? Your ability to navigate though difficult situations will place you high on just about any accounting employer’s list.

Answer Sample:

Ive been on both ends of critical feedback, and clear, consice presnetation of facts is paramount, as is accountability

Detail is critical in our industry – what do feel makes you a detail oriented person, and why?

Always with the details! No matter what your role in the accounting industry, this one’s important. Here, your interviewer is looking for examples.

Answer Sample:

My careful attention to x and y prevented a major audit last year

Which accounting specific software are you familiar with?

These days, your mastery of accounting software is practically expected. If your experience is limited, make sure you at least have a basic understanding of industry standards prior to the interview. Take some time to ensure you are able to to name popular applications, and have a solid idea of their purpose.

Answer Sample:

Im proficient in x and y, but ive ready tons of good things about z and would love to learn more about it

Regarding culture, what environment do you feel you do your best work in?

Culture is king these days, and for good reason. It’s more than simply ‘the way things are done’, it’s how things are done and why. While you may be a chatty extrovert, be mindful of your response here and how it may be perceived by the interviewer.

Answer Sample:

I succeed when expectations and accountability are in place, and equally enjoy a balance of working solo / working as a team”

Without revealing too much info – why are you leaving your last job?

This one can be leading, and must be answered carefully. Your need for better pay or indicating that your ‘old boss was an idiot’ may leave your interviewer with the wrong impression of you. Even if you were subject to downsizing or let go for other reasons, keep it short and concise, and avoid drama regardless of how tempting it may be.

Answer Sample:

Working at x was a great experience for a vareity of reasons, but now its time to seek out new challenges

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