Director of accounting and financial control Job Interview Questions & Answers

Our Experts
Written by Our Experts

Sweating about an interview coming up where you’re going to be applying as a Director of accounting and financial control? We’ve got you covered! Listed below, you’ll find some of the most common Director of accounting and financial control interview questions with advice on how to reply. Read on!

Do you have any experience working as a Director of accounting and financial control?

A straightforward question that requires an honest answer – list experience you have as it pertains to the position you’re applying for. Of course, on the off chance you don’t have any experience in the role, plan ahead and have some examples of tangentially related experience. In this way, you can turn a simple ‘no’ into an opportunity to demonstrate your awareness of related skillsets.

Answer Sample:

I believe the core requirement for x is y – and through my volunteer work I gained a ton of experience in how x fundamentally relates to y

What are some of major challenges the accounting industry faces looking ahead? How will it impact the role of Director of accounting and financial control?

There are a variety of ways to answer this one. AI, automation, and inexpensive labor are all interesting items to bring up. However, be prepared to explain why you answered the way you did – and do some research ahead of time.

Answer Sample:

Its hard to know for sure with industry factors such as x and y changing so many things – all I can say is that Im excited for the challenges that come with that

What systems have you developed to reduce/eliminate errors in your work?

To err is human, but not when it comes to accounting. While you may be a caped crusader with superhuman error-free work skills, your interviewer won’t buy it. What your interviewer seeks here is a process for quality control.

Answer Sample:

Rain or shine, I always make sure that x is reviewed 3 times over and referenced against y before it goes out the door

Describe a situation you needed to use data to prove a point?

Numbers don’t lie. What’s being asked for here is an example of when you were able to prove a point by providing truth through the data. The key to answering this question is focusing on the outcome of data you furnished – and why it mattered.

Answer Sample:

Our department had been struggling for years, but by clearly illustrating the relationship between x and y, we corrected and showed record improvements in the next quarter

Have you ever had to give someone difficult feedback?

We all love praise, and we all dislike hearing our work criticized. Any competent interviewer in the accounting profession understands that mistakes happen. Here, the important thing to do is let your interviewer know how you overcame this particular challenge. Was there denial? Deflection? By dealing with difficult situations calmly and with full accountability, you demonstrate qualities every employer loves.

Answer Sample:

No one likes these situations, but Ive found that dealing with it factually and without predjudice tends to be the best approach

Would those that know you describe you as a detail oriented person? Why might they describe you that way?

Details, details, details! No matter what your role in the accounting industry, this one’s important. Like many non-valid responses, your statement ‘yes I am a detail oriented person’ is not going to cut it.

Answer Sample:

A careful review of x revealed that y and z were out of order, ultimately preventing a costly audit

Which accounting specific software are you familiar with?

These days, your mastery of accounting software is practically expected. If your experience is limited, make sure you at least have a basic understanding of industry standards prior to the interview. Do some research and investigate new platforms or recent developments in the software field.

Answer Sample:

Most of my experience is with x, but I downloaded a demo of y and really think it warrants a closer look

Culture is important to us here. Which style of work enviornment do feel most productive in?

Work culture is huge and for good reason these days. It’s more than simply ‘the way things are done’, it’s how things are done and why. You’ll want to be careful here, indicating that you are able to thrive in a variety of work enviornments.

Answer Sample:

I succeed when given clear, consise direction and find a balance of solo effort and working alongside a team is when Im most productive

Why are you leaving your last financial industry / accounting position?

This one can be leading, and must be answered carefully. Your need for better pay or indicating that your ‘old boss was an idiot’ may leave your interviewer with the wrong impression of you. Regardless of the reason your employment ceased to be, keep it on point and do not get negative here.

Answer Sample:

It was time for me to move on, and I feel as though I am ready for a new challenge

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